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Version 1.4

· One min read

Easy Setup

  • Made the setup easy with one click even if having multiple GTM containers & GA4 Properties.

Design Enhancements

Enjoy a more visual interface with appropriate design enhancements. This design flow will provide a flawless app experience.

Fixed Events Push Issues

Fixed Events push issue and reduced the load time on push events in GTM & GA4.

Auto Mapping

Reduced Clicks, if you have only one GTM Container and one GA4 Property, sit back and let the app automatically connect your app with GTM and GA4. If have multiple accounts then just select the account where you want to push the tags with the correct GA4 account

Reduced Events

For now only 4 tags (ViewItem, ViewList, Purchase, ViewCart) will auto publish. Rest tags you can push while clicking on 'Change Tag' button.