b. Event's simplified explanation:

Here's an expanded explanation for each of the mentioned events that you can include in your documentation:

  • 1. View Item:
  • Description: This event is recorded when a visitor engages with a specific product page on your platform. It signifies that the visitor has shown interest in the details and content associated with a particular product
  • Use Case: Use this event to track the popularity and engagement level of individual product pages, helping you understand customer preferences.
  • 2. View Item List:
  • Description: Triggered when visitors explore a list of products, indicating a broader interest in multiple items. It provides insights into the overall appeal of a category or collection of products.
  • Use Case: Employ this event to analyze the performance of product lists and optimize the presentation of items in a way that enhances user experience.
  • 3. View Cart:
  • Description: Activated when a visitor navigates to the cart page, signaling an intention to review and possibly proceed with the items selected for purchase.
  • Use Case: Monitor this event to understand the effectiveness of your cart page design and identify any potential friction points that might discourage users from completing their purchase.
  • 4. Purchase:
  • Description: This event is logged when a visitor successfully completes a purchase, indicating a conversion and a successful transaction.
  • Use Case: Leverage this event to measure the overall success of your platform, assess the impact of marketing campaigns, and evaluate the performance of individual products in terms of sales.
  • 5. Select Item:
  • Description: Triggered when a visitor actively chooses a product from a list of options, providing insight into specific user preferences.
  • Use Case: Use this event to analyze user decision-making patterns and tailor recommendations or marketing strategies based on the popularity of selected items.
  • 6. Add to Cart:
  • Description: This event occurs when a visitor adds a product to their shopping cart, indicating a clear intent to purchase.
  • Use Case: Utilize this event to assess the effectiveness of product pages and encourage strategies that prompt users to add more items to their carts.
  • 7. Begin Checkout:
  • Description: Initiated when a visitor starts the checkout process by clicking the checkout button, signaling a significant step towards completing a purchase.
  • Use Case: Monitor this event to understand user behavior during the checkout process and identify any obstacles that may hinder the completion of transactions.